

Steps to Finalise a Deceased Estate

August 23, 2021 Steve 0

There are some jobs in life that have to be done, no matter how we are feeling or what emotions we are going through. One task in particular which nobody enjoys is the finalising of a deceased estate. Anyone who loses a loved one or family member will no doubt be going throug …

3 Reasons Your Child will Benefit from Summer Camp

May 12, 2018 Steve 0

When school winds down for the summer, where is your son or daughter going to end up? For some parents, what to do with their children over the summertime can prove to be a dilemma. So that you don’t run into that problem, have you thought about camp? If you’ve …

How to survive dental school

November 28, 2016 Steve 0

After your first week of dental school, it is normal to be bewildered by the level of detail in your introductory lectures, as well as the lofty expectations that your professors will then heft upon your shoulders. Undergrad, this is not. Don’t be dismayed if you find y …

Want to Study Music? The Choices are Almost Endless!

August 28, 2016 Steve 0

Music as an educational course has been changing hugely over the last couple of decades. There was a time when a music degree would simply be aimed at classical music, and it was a bit of a closed door for contemporary musicians. Around the turn of the century things began to …