Finnish people have historically used saunas more than anybody else for both health and pleasure. In Finland, 90% of the population visits a sauna at least once every week. People are “saunaing” (yes, that is a real phrase!) as part of their normal routines as a r …
The one-minute care foot filer, Bebe Foot Glass, has launched on Kickstarter. Bebe Foot Glass is a 100% glass all-in-one foot filer, equipped with hard and soft glass for foot care at the top, and a nail shiner for your manicure needs at the bottom. The unique glass pattern l …
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is one of the most effective therapies for children with autism spectrum disorder. This practice emphasizes positive reinforcement, allowing students to progress at their own pace. Moreover, it can be adapted to meet the needs of each student. …
Are you struggling with talking to your parents about later in life care? It’s perhaps one of the hardest conversations we can ever have, yet it can be the most important. Our parents are always going to be our heroes and role models. So, trying to come to terms with th …
Your medical professional has an obligation to treat you with a professional level of care. When this does not occur and you are injured as a result, you may have the grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit. Proving medical malpractice is complicated made even more s …