

How to Maintain Your Cosmetic Surgery Results

March 30, 2017 Steve 0

Cosmetic surgery has become commonplace around the world today, with men and women of all ages looking to improve their appearances and rid themselves of defects that cause them physical issues or loss of confidence. When looking for a cosmetic surgeon, the best course of act …

Famous Father and Son Combos in Sport: From Jack Elway to Ken Norton

January 2, 2017 Steve 0

Throughout the World of sport there are family combinations in tennis you have the Williams sisters and the Murray brothers, in soccer the Neville twins and the Pogba brothers and in MMA there is the Gracie family. It makes sense that family members would be good at sports to …

Simple Steps to Becoming an Eco Warrior

November 27, 2016 Steve 0

  If you are like Ram Chary, you may be concerned about your environmental footprint and interested in findings ways to make your daily life more sustainable. Living entirely off-grid with a zero carbon lifestyle is not an option for most of us, but thankfully, there is …

Dealing With A Dental Emergency

November 17, 2016 Steve 0

Image by drjohnpascual via Flickr A lot of people will have to deal with a dental emergency at one time or another, and if you need any advice, the Australian Dental Association has a website that can be of great benefit. It always pays to be prepared, and you can get the loc …