
Family Travel Guide

How to design a garden with an alternative lawn

October 31, 2017 Steve 0

Lawns can be a bit of a hassle to deal with, wouldn’t you say? They require watering, upkeep and a lot of care especially during the hotter months. You’ve probably seen examples of people finding creative alternatives to the traditional lawn online, but perhaps …

Keep Your Home Warm This Winter With These 5 Tips

October 31, 2017 Steve 0

As the days become shorter and the temperatures drop, you might not be looking forward to the cold days ahead for a number of reasons. Maybe you just aren’t cut out for winter—the dry air causes havoc with your skin or you simply don’t like the snow, ice, …

The Perfect Gifts to Buy for a Senior

October 16, 2017 Steve 0

Are your parents or someone else you love a senior, and it is holiday season or their birthday? Well buying gifts for that person can sometimes be difficult because many gifts just don’t seem to fit. For this reason, we have pulled together a list of some really good g …

Buying Your Teens First Car – Here is What You Need to Do

October 16, 2017 Steve 0

Your teen turned driving age and has been begging for you to purchase him or her an automobile. You have been putting it off and after many months of good behavior, good grades and the chores around the house being done without you asking, you are running out of excuses for s …